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- We accept eBooks in all fiction and non-fiction genres.

- You must submit your eBook at least 24 hours before it is scheduled for promotion.

- Only submit your ebook once every 30 days. 

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$9 – Book It Now

What our authors says

Michael Cordova
Michael Cordova

Love that you have true crime. We publish many of them!

Tam May
Tam May

Website is easy to use and it's a brilliant idea to have a big list of deal sites in different genres at reasonable prices that authors can tag as a "go-to" for their promotions. Every promotion that I've done so far has gotten pretty good results and I would use again.

Rosalia Scalia
Rosalia Scalia

a new experience. Wish I had known about Crave books when my first book came out. You can thank my publisher Unsolicited Press for the recommendation.

Pierre G. Fowler
Pierre G. Fowler

It's nice to see my book posted on a blog getting more exposure.

Patti Petrone-Miller
Patti Petrone-Miller

Love it was so easy and the promotions are very affordable!

Author KDLumsden
Author KDLumsden

I was surprised by the outcome of this promotion. Thank you for making it available to those of us with series!!

Jalal Cyrus Libertine
Jalal Cyrus Libertine

This was my first time on this site, and I have been highly satisfied and impressed by Shubhi's ultimate customer satisfaction and outstanding service. Thank you very much for having the best people in the world to help authors worldwide. I have now decided to promote all my different books with you guys. Thank you for making me very happy! Happy Holidays, and keep up the great work!

Nala Henkel-Aislinn
Nala Henkel-Aislinn

Great black friday deals!