Her Wagon Train Doctor: A Sweet Western Historical Wagon Train Romance (Wagon Train Women Book 4) by London James
She’s a nurse escaping the bleak future without the job she loves.
After her courted beau, the town doctor, tells Sadie Monroe she won’t be helping him with his practice but instead will be taking care of their home and future children, she hitches a ride with her father, John, on a wagon train to Idaho where he’s agreed to the job of a new town doctor.
He never wants to be a doctor again.
After a medical mistake kills his wife, Dr. Charles Holden hands over his practice to his partner and heads out with a wagon train that rolls through town and is headed to Montana. He doesn’t want anyone to know his past or his past profession and will stop at nothing to hide his secrets.
When tragedy strikes John, Charles is the only one that can save him. Can he get over his hesitation and fear long enough to save Sadie’s father? And what happens if he can, but the treatment is too hard for him to do alone?