Genres : Non Fiction

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Date: 01/03/2024
Learn exactly how to sell your business on your terms, at your price … When you are ready! Most business owners delay thinking about the sale of their business and wait too long to prepare...
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Gangs of Athol by Clark Graham

Date: 12/26/2023
Only one week after finishing sixth grade, Billy’s summer was already doomed. He’d been kicked out of his bicycle gang, leaving him no friends to hang out with. In a small North Idaho town, what...
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Free $15
Date: 12/20/2023
Gaining empathy through trauma is the gateway to a better life in this emotional and haunting true story, which features a young man who learns how to stay resilient despite the most horrific abusive family...
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Free $9.99
Date: 12/13/2023
Only 6 percent of small business owners are between the ages of 20 and 30. Are you a young boss tired of having to navigate the world of entrepreneurship alone and seeking someone who can...
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Free $9.99
Date: 12/06/2023
“Care enough to be curious. Be curious enough to show you care.” In the aftermath of the global pandemic, we were left devastated and in need of stable and reliable healthcare. Today’s polarized political landscape...
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Date: 12/03/2023
This easy-to-read guide answers all your questions about setting up an inheritance plan for your self-custody bitcoin: - How will my bitcoin transfer to my heirs when I die? - How do I make sure...
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Date: 11/29/2023
Understand the importance of brand recognition and recall with this comprehensive guide. Get examples of both as well as strategies to increase brand recognition. Also, find out the difference between the two and how to...
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Hebrews by Dr Andrew C S Koh

Date: 11/25/2023
Hebrews is an in-depth commentary on the epistle of Hebrews written for daily Bible study and devotion. This book is divided into thirteen chapters, each corresponding to the thirteen chapters of Hebrews. This book offers...
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Free $5.99

Emotional Trauma No More by CARA BRAMLETT

Date: 11/24/2023
Do you feel CRAZY? Feel like you are LOSING YOUR MIND? Emotional trauma happens to everyone, especially those experiencing narcissistic abuse. The challenge is breaking free or keeping your sanity until you break free. Have...
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$0.99 $15.99
Date: 11/20/2023
Supporting kids with challenging behaviours can be difficult – but change the narrative, and you may be surprised. Most children will behave in challenging ways at some point, but persistent and difficult-to-deal-with behaviours can have...
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